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Caius Tax Management Solutions is your tax department’s integrated, cost-effective outsourcing solution, delivering the right combination of people, processes and technology to meet your specific needs.

Tax management is not one-size-fits all

While some companies want to own the entire tax function, others want an experienced tax firm to be fully responsible for their tax needs. And some want a combination of both. By listening to your needs, Caius will strike the right balance from leading individual tax functions to managing your entire tax operation.

Adaptable approach, tailored solutions

Our flexible outsourcing model provides hands-on, director-level involvement with your team to support your needs across a variety of services including tax technology assessment and implementation services. By intimately understanding your circumstances and business goals, every tax solution provided by Caius will feel like your own.

Caius provides co-sourced tax management expertise to a wide variety of businesses, including:

  • Tax departments who experience workload spikes in the run-up to filing deadlines, but who do not need a fully staffed internal tax department year-round
  • Large multinational companies with a complex tax footprint who want to maintain ownership of all tax department functions
  • Tax departments that require outside expertise in a specific area of tax management
  • Any company looking to reduce costs

Get to know our flexible, tailored
approach to outsourcing
corporate tax functions

Extend your team with global tax expertise from Caius

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