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Project based

Whatever your specific tax department needs, Caius Tax Management Solutions extends your team on a project-to-project basis to help you streamline tax processes, reduce overall tax liabilities, and manage tax department operations.

​On-call transfer pricing expertise, oversight and support

​No matter your budget constraints or talent shortages, Caius works side-by-side with your team to offer a full range of transfer pricing services, including:

  • Functional analyses
  • Benchmarking studies
  • Intercompany policies
  • Transfer pricing documentation and planning

​Completely on-call, Caius strengthens your team with the transfer pricing expertise, oversight, and support needed to meet tax and reporting and compliance requirements—without adding full-time positions. Bringing on Caius will help you manage costs, reduce your paper burden, and minimize the time commitment required of internal resources.

​Optimize your M&A investment

Every merger and acquisition deal comes with tax implications—some positive, and some potentially negative. Caius tax experts uncover overlooked tax opportunities and provide proactive advice throughout your investment’s lifecycle. Caius not only carries out tax due diligence on your behalf, our tax experts conceptualise flexible, tax-compliant structures that optimise your investment while ensuring smooth implementation and management.

Tax planning that doesn’t miss opportunities

From international OECD initiatives on base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), to the EU’s anti-avoidance directive, tax planning has changed significantly over the last 5 years. It’s more crucial than ever for your tax team to comply with the new rules without missing out on big opportunities.
Caius provides strategic planning to reduce your tax liability, increase cash flow, and control risk—all adapted to your company’s overall risk appetite and long-term business objectives.

How effective is your control framework or tax risk?

Tax risk management is a major part of strong corporate governance. Through an inexpensive quick scan, or a more thorough review of your documented tax positions and structures, Caius joins your team to help your company identify its current tax risk. Additionally, Caius can test

the robustness of your control framework’s design to help you understand the operational effectiveness of your key internal controls.

Caius provides project-based tax management expertise to a wide variety of businesses, including:

  • Companies with tax departments overburdened by a temporary influx of work
  • Large multinational companies with a complex tax footprint who want to maintain control of all tax department functions
  • Companies that require on-call services
  • Companies seeking expertise in a specific area of tax management

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Extend your team with global tax expertise from Caius

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